Fair Haven Fields Tennis Courts

RESERVATIONS... For FAIR HAVEN RESIDENTS: Reservations can be booked up to 4 days in advance. For NON RESIDENTS: Reservations can be booked 2 days in advance. Pickleball can be reserved on courts 1,2,3 and 4. General website information...If you did not have an account on the previously used, TENNISBOOKINGS website, simply click the "Sign Up" button. If you did not have an account on the previously used, TENNISBOOKINGS website, To access your account on PLAYBYPOINT, log in using your existing email account and the standard password of "tennis". Once your log in, you can change your password. Fair Haven residents, be sure to click the "Get Resident Status" icon once you are logged in. Non Fair Haven residents, do not click the "get resident status" icon. We will crosscheck our records if this is not adhered to. Maximum of 1.5 hours per day. Maximum of 5 hours per week. Please take advantage of the mobile app for a more convenient booking experience. PlayByPoint offers support and a chat shall bot you need support. It is a courtesy, as well as a safety measure, to wait until a point is completed before going onto another court while play is going on.

331 Dartmouth Ave, Fair Haven, NJ 07704, USA

RESERVATIONS... For FAIR HAVEN RESIDENTS: Reservations can be booked up to 4 days in advance. For NON RESIDENTS: Reservations can be booked 2 days in advance.  Pickleball can be reserved on courts 1,2,3 and 4.  General website information...If you did not have an account on the previously used, TENNISBOOKINGS website, simply click the "Sign Up" button.  If you did not have an account on the previously used, TENNISBOOKINGS website, To access your account on PLAYBYPOINT, log in using your existing email account and the standard password of "tennis". Once your log in, you can change your password. Fair Haven residents, be sure to click the "Get Resident Status" icon once you are logged in. Non Fair Haven residents, do not click the "get resident status" icon. We will crosscheck our records if this is not adhered to.  Maximum of 1.5 hours per day. Maximum of 5 hours per week. Please take advantage of the mobile app for a more convenient booking experience.  PlayByPoint offers support and a chat shall bot you need support. It is a courtesy, as well as a safety measure, to wait until a point is completed before going onto another court while play is going on.   home photo
